Take the Pledge

Get your company, nonprofit organization, school, or church to take our #NJSugarfreed pledge. We’ve developed healthy guidelines and materials to help.


We're committed to promoting water.


We’re committed to water and low-calorie alternatives.


We’re committed to becoming Sugarfreed.

Action Kit

Download this Action Kit which you can bring to your leadership and encourage them to take the pledge.

Download Kit
Pledge Comparison Bronze Silver Gold
Share campaign content through your organization’s communication channels.
Encourage staff and volunteers to become advocates on their own social media channels.
Provide drinking water at all meetings, conferences, and parties where food or beverages are served.
Post information about the benefits of water in highly trafficked areas, such as breakrooms, bathrooms, and cafeterias.
Circulate memo discouraging provision of high-calorie sweetened beverages at meetings, conferences, and parties, and in kitchens, breaks rooms, and other places where complimentary beverages are available.
Provide only water and other low-calorie beverages at meetings, conferences, and parties, and in kitchens, breakrooms, and other places where complimentary beverages are available.
In Vending Machines
Require that water be stocked in at least 2 slots per machine, or supply free water next to vending machines.
Ensure that vending machines use no more than the bottom two slots for high-calorie beverages.
Sell water and low-calorie beverages at a lower price than high-calorie beverages.
Display total calorie count for each item, as sold, adjacent to each item.
Use promotional space on beverage machines (i.e., side and front graphic panels) to advertise only water and low-calorie beverages.
Ensure machines sell only low-calorie beverages.
In Cafeterias
Require that all beverage fountains include low-calorie beverage options.
Move high-calorie beverages away from eye level and to the lowest selling position.
Move water and other low-calorie beverages to eye level or in the highest selling positions.
Use promotional space on beverage fountains to advertise only low-calorie beverages.
Remove all high-calorie beverages from cafeterias and other places where drinks are sold.
Require that all drink choices in beverage fountains are low-calorie beverages.

Recent Pledges

New Jersey Employers

Community Partners

Take the Pledge